Our Approach
At KapKa, we foster joyful learners from kindergarten through fifth grade.

Kindergarten and First Grade
In kindergarten and first grade, children spend time learning about themselves and their natural environment through a balance of purposeful play and direct and project-based instruction. The balance is weighed toward open-ended exploration in kindergarten, shifting to more structured learning time in first grade. Play in both programs is largely inspired by the open-ended, ungendered, “loose parts” provided by nature.
This approach allows children to explore elements of social studies, science, literacy, mathematics, and art in integrated, real-world contexts. The curricular focus is on asking questions, exploring answers, and thinking about oneself as a learner, all while practicing “student behaviors.” Foundational aspects of literacy and math like phonemic awareness, letter recognition and formation, number sense and comparisons are playfully introduced and explored in kindergarten. Our first-grade program then builds upon these foundations, while maintaining the experiential and engaging components that make learning meaningful and fun.

Second and Third Grades
In our second- and third-grade program, our dynamic team nurtures young learners through the blossoming of their academic talents, and continues to foster their social and emotional skills. Students look inward as they develop the skills of reading, writing, mathematics and other academic disciplines, and begin to understand themselves as learners. Having a growth mindset is emphasized in the classroom, as students develop skills at their own pace, using the tools and supports that are appropriate for them.
Students also look outward to their peers, teachers, parents, and the greater community of Seattle and beyond, to gain an appreciation for a diversity of thought, perspective, culture, and identity. Our second- and third-grade learners are ready to investigate how things work, challenge their assumptions, and learn that there can be more than one right answer.

Fourth and Fifth Grades
The fourth- and fifth-grade years are a time of self-awareness, independence and interdependence. Students start looking toward the world and their place in it. Children in this age group are full of bold ideas and big questions, and our inspiring teachers help them shape this curiosity and passion for learning into meaningful projects and adventures. Our oldest learners internalize what it means to be a positive community member, a student leader, and an agent of change. Students learn through relationally focused, engaging lessons and responsive support. They develop a strong academic foundation and student skills that will take them into middle school and beyond, while gaining the social-emotional skills and understanding to navigate it all successfully.