
KapKa families are a true community of people working together, supporting each other, and helping to create an enriching school experience for all.

At KapKa, parents and caregivers have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside KapKa students and teachers. They get to participate first-hand in the classrooms under the guidance of KapKa’s talented teachers. As a cooperative, parents and caregivers participate in all aspects of school management and work alongside each other in the classroom. They get to know the students and develop relationships with fellow KapKa families, building a strong network of community for themselves and their children.

Beyond the classroom, KapKa families form a caring community that relies on and trusts each other. Families get together socially to enjoy the company of one another. They work together to strengthen the school, celebrate its three decades of rich traditions, and create new ones together. The community lends a helping hand when a new baby arrives, when a family faces an illness, or when someone simply needs a ride.
The bonds may develop slowly, but grow into friendships that can span the years.

“As parents, we come to KapKa with as many viewpoints as our children. Within this community I have learned new ways of looking at parenting and relating to others. No doubt about it — being at KapKa is a big commitment — but it is one that pays you back ten-fold.” — KapKa parent

Learning Celebration